-Rank applicateing for: I'm after in game GM or Mod if you will, I can't do fancy things, such as coding, etc.
-In-game name: I'm going for Dante, or Nero..yes, I'm a DMC addict haha.
-Real name: Travis Moyer.
-Age: 16, 17 in December.
-Language spoken: English
-Country: America
-E-Mail: DeathBreth@live.com
-Why we should hire you?: Because I'm dedicated to GunZ. It's my favorite game to be honest, and I love private servers. This server looks promising, so I'd love to be one of the originals to help the server, and keep it in shape.
-What you can do for our server?: I can help keep things going smooth, by that I mean I can keep the players playing fairly. I'll do all I can to help.
-Current experience: Well, I haven't been a Mod or whatnot in a GunZ server. But, I've had experience in RuneScape if that helps..lmao. I'll do exactly what I've done there..monitor, help fix glitches that have been discovered, and keep players in line. I can't stand cheaters, I can be strict depending on how I'm treated by the person. But I'm also fair. I play by the rules, and I'd like to enforce them.
Thanks for viewing my Application.